John Wright – In Memoriam (but still present)

John Edward Akiwande ́ Wright August 2, 1965 – January 17, 2023 We are deeply saddened to announce the death of our dear friend and beloved colleague, John Wright. A tireless advocate for his fellow New Yorkers, John inspired us with his compassion and steadfast dedication to lifting up the nonprofit sector and working to […]
Digital Literacy in the Workplace

Promoting Digital Literacy in the Workplace: Why it’s important and How to Increase It.
Seemingly overnight, the COVID-19 pandemic forced many in-office workers to become digital-savvy remote workers. This was easier done for some than others…
Route to Reopening: How to navigate the change to the New Normal after Covid-19

It’s hard to predict what the “new normal” is going to look like, no prevision is verified yet and data is still inadequate. We know that different businesses and industries in different places will operate at different speeds. In this sea of information, everyone has an opinion on what to do next. What we can […]