From Keywords to Kindness: Nonprofit SEO Essentials

search engine optimization

Nonprofit organizations must leverage effective SEO strategies to enhance their online visibility and engagement. This article delves into key components of SEO, addresses common roadblocks like ignoring local SEO, and offers practical solutions and tips to boost your nonprofit’s digital presence.

Route to Reopening: How to navigate the change to the New Normal after Covid-19

It’s hard to predict what the “new normal” is going to look like, no prevision is verified yet and data is still inadequate. We know that different businesses and industries in different places will operate at different speeds. In this sea of information, everyone has an opinion on what to do next. What we can […]

CyberSecurity for Nonprofits and Small Businesses: Best Practices to be CyberSmart

While October was “National Cybersecurity Awareness Month,” awareness of cybersecurity should be an ongoing, year-long activity. This year’s theme – Own IT. Secure IT. Protect IT. – focusses on personal accountability and encourages everyone to take proactive steps to enhance cybersecurity at home and in the workplace. In this blog, we are sharing some of […]