What We Do » Web Design and Development » Web Strategy for Nonprofits

Web Strategy

The foundation of a successful website

This is the roadmap for your website. By understanding the nonprofit’s mission, audience, and objectives, a strategic plan is developed. Web strategy will guide the website’s design, functionality, and content, ensuring alignment with the organization’s goals and user needs.

The foundation

The foundation of a successful website starts with a clear and thoughtful web strategy. Nonprofit organizations have unique missions and goals. Through a consultative process, we help to define the objectives, audiences, and key performance indicators for your website. This lays the groundwork for all other aspects of the project.

Webserves Approach to web strategy

Key Features:

  • Needs assessment for the nonprofit
  • Audience and stakeholder identification
  • Content strategy formulation
  • SEO and digital marketing strategy
Needs assessment for the nonprofit

This involves a comprehensive evaluation of the organization’s current digital presence, if any, identifying areas of improvement, and understanding specific organizational goals to tailor the web strategy.

Audience and stakeholder identification

Recognize and categorize the primary users of the website, from donors and volunteers to beneficiaries. Understand their preferences and needs to better shape the website’s content and functionality.

Content strategy formulation

Design a roadmap for creating, delivering, and governing content. This ensures consistency, relevancy, and that the organization’s message is effectively communicated.

SEO and digital marketing strategy

Optimize the website for search engines to ensure maximum visibility. Plan and strategize online campaigns, PPC, and other digital marketing initiatives for outreach and engagement.

Why Webserves

For nonprofits, a website isn’t just a digital presence; it’s a tool for change. We understand the unique needs and constraints of nonprofit organizations, and our comprehensive web design and development approach is tailored to ensure your mission is communicated effectively and resonates with your audience. Your cause is our cause, and together, we can make a difference.