WebServes to Collaborate with Networks of Change to Fight Violence Against Women

WebServes, a nonprofit specializing in web design and development and digital marketing, is proud to announce a collaboration with Networks of Change in its mission to combat violence against women in Morocco. This partnership aims to raise awareness and provide journalists with a comprehensive guide to reporting on this critical issue. By implementing an effective SEO strategy, a web-based content strategy, and enhancing the user experience, WebServes hopes to maximize the impact of the guide and empower journalists to contribute to meaningful change.

Networks of Change: Promoting Open Democracies and Advancing Human Rights

Networks of Change is a prominent social justice organization that works closely with local civil society groups to promote open and accountable democracies while advancing human rights through traditional, social, and new media. Driven by the belief that social equity and fairness thrive when people are informed and engaged, Networks of Change harnesses the power of reliable information, media, and technology to inspire communities to take action.

The Guide: “Reporting on Violence against Women: Not Your Ordinary Story Assignment”

In collaboration with Morocco-based organization, Mobilising for Rights Associates (MRA), Networks of Change has developed a comprehensive guide titled “Reporting on Violence against Women: not your Ordinary Story Assignment.” This guide, in Arabic, English, and French,  stands as a valuable resource for journalists (and editors) seeking to report on violence against women in Morocco more accurately. It provides essential information, best practices, and guidelines to ensure responsible and impactful reporting beyond incidents, to broader social patterns of abuse.

WebServes’ Expertise in Web Design, Development, and Integrated Digital Marketing

WebServes brings its expertise in web design, development, and integrated digital marketing (IDM) to this collaboration. With the official launch of its IDM service in June 2022, WebServes is well-equipped to optimize the Networks of Change website and enhance the user experience. By implementing effective SEO strategies, WebServes aims to increase the visibility of the guide and ensure its content reaches a wider audience of journalists and stakeholders.

The Importance of Raising Awareness of Violence Against Women in Morocco

Violence against women is a pressing issue in many societies, including Morocco. By collaborating with Networks of Change, WebServes aims to contribute to the ongoing efforts to raise awareness about this critical issue. Through the comprehensive guide provided by Networks of Change, journalists will have the opportunity to report on incidents of violence against women in a responsible and impactful manner, shedding light on the severity of the problem and encouraging action for change.

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